Monday, August 29, 2011

My Parents, My Roots

Life change a lot as we grow older. We separate from our parents. Do our own thing. Live our own life. Face challenges without them. Total independency. But it doesn't mean that when you are in your 30's your parents are not your parents anymore. Mothers are still mothers even when their kids have families of their own.

My mother still treats me like a young girl. I'm her youngest so she treats me as her youngest.

With my busy schedule, I can't usually visit my hometown where my mama and papa still lives. But this weekend, in time for our barangay fiesta celebration I spent time with them.

And they were so happy...


  1. Liked it. time spent wisely with people cared about.... :)

  2. Yup I do but sometimes my time is not enough...and it made me feel so guilty...
